[SystemSafety] "Serious risks" in EC 765/2008

E. Douglas Jensen jensen at real-time.org
Mon Apr 8 15:01:44 CEST 2013

As a totally non-expert in safety, it seems to me that risks should be
evaluated in the context of the consequences of the risk occurring. This
is a problem I have with security as well. In the military context I
work in, certain systems are explicitly engineered to allow appropriate
levels of safety (or security) issues that enable the systems’ existence
and acceptable functioning. I know of no perfectly safe and secure (for
whatever definitions) weapons systems – many have quite high levels of
risks (e.g., to human life) because acceptable performance with
acceptable probabilities is regarded as far more important than the
system not existing or not functioning at all due to inability to fully
remediate safety and security issues. (Missile defense systems are just
one example of accepting “Better sometimes than never.”) Perhaps these
trade-offs are SOP in the safety community. (But I have experienced
multiple instances of the “security uber alles” mindset which would
render the system non-functional.)




E. Douglas Jensen

 <mailto:jensen at real-time.org> jensen at real-time.org,
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There is probably as much chance of finding a definition of "serious
risk" in the IEC standards as there is in defining what a "significant
change" is in the European Railway Authority, Common Safety Method! 



Peter Sheppard
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[SystemSafety] "Serious risks" in EC 765/2008




In EC 765/2008, what is considered a "serious risk"? Is there a
How are the "serious risk" mitigations assessed, especially when "The
feasibility of obtaining higher levels of safety or the availability of
other products presenting a lesser degree of risk shall not constitute
grounds for considering that a product presents a serious risk."?
This standard also mandates that the product should be recalled when the
serious risk has materialized... and there is wording here to update the
risk assessment with field reports. 
So is a "serious risk" in this standard in fact a materialized

Thanks for comments.
Best regards,
Thierry Coq

-----Original Message-----
From: systemsafety-bounces at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
[mailto:systemsafety-bounces at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de] On Behalf Of
Peter Bernard Ladkin
Sent: 07 April 2013 10:46
To: systemsafety at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Subject: [SystemSafety] Solar Storms and Charging Procedures for
Electric Cars


I am running a group producing a risk analysis (in the sense of IEC
Guide 51) of the charging process for electric road vehicles. There was
and is stiff resistance from some quarters. I have pointed out that,
first, IEC Guide 51 says that a risk assessment (compromising a risk
analysis and risk evaluation) should be required in any safety-related
IEC standard. Second that EC 765/2008 on product quality requires
(Article 20) that products representing a serious risk be withdrawn from
European markets, and that the judgment that products represent a
serious risk be made through a risk assessment. This is European law.
Since I have pointed that out in sufficiently general meetings,
suggestions that the group's work is pointless have all but disappeared
(although the will to limit its work has of course not, for this has
other bases).

Prof. Peter Bernard Ladkin, University of Bielefeld and Causalis Limited
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