[SystemSafety] Podcasting interviews
C. Michael Holloway
c.m.holloway at nasa.gov
Wed Nov 6 19:56:42 CET 2013
John beat me to the reply. I concur fully. The interview was quite
enjoyable. If you haven't started listening to the podcast, you should.
- cMh
On 11/6/13 1:54 PM, John Downer wrote:
> I'm more than happy to endorse everything Andrew says here. Doing an
> interview for him was a pleasure. It's a neat podcast he's running.
> John
> -----------
> Dr. John Downer
> Lecturer in Risk and Regulation
> University of Bristol
> On Nov 6, 2013, at 1:49 PM, Andrew Rae <andrew.rae at york.ac.uk
> <mailto:andrew.rae at york.ac.uk>> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> This is a mixed plug/request/opportunity.
>> DisasterCast has been chugging along reasonably, with some quite good
>> audience figures. Recent episodes have covered:
>> Episode 15: John Downer on Fukushima and quantitative risk assessment
>> Episode 16: Michael Holloway and the Iraqi Grain Disaster (no particular
>> connection there)
>> Episode 17: Glenbrook, Waterfall and failing to learn from accidents
>> Episode 18: Friendly fire and data safety (yes, there is a connection there)
>> Episode 19: Through Life Safety, Alaska Airlines 261, and Star Trek
>> Transporters
>> The strongest feedback has been from episodes featuring interviews, and
>> part of the hidden agenda of DisasterCast is to support
>> public communication of science (science communicators often keep score by
>> how well they help other scientists communicate).
>> I'm looking for some interview subjects for the next few episodes.
>> Hopefully Michael and John will agree that it wasn't a painful experience,
>> and that they were able to fairly represent their own views. Also, you
>> don't need to be famous or outspoken. Every safety practitioner or
>> researcher has interesting things to say, (and a subset of ideas or
>> stories that
>> aren't classified or confidential).
>> For those in the unfortunate position of having to worry about these
>> things, podcasting is really easy to provide impact statistics for. The
>> DisasterCast audience
>> is mostly non-academic (as far as I can tell less than 20% academic, 50%
>> in some sort of safety job, and the rest just general public interested in
>> the topics), and I
>> collect episode stats through a verified service.
>> For those who don't have to worry about "impact", public engagement is
>> fun, and the audience is much bigger than a typical class or conference room.
>> Please let me know if you're interested.
>> Drew
>> My system safety podcast: http://disastercast.co.uk
>> My phone number: +44 (0) 7783 446 814
>> University of York disclaimer: http://www.york.ac.uk/docs/disclaimer/email.htm
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