[SystemSafety] Fwd: Call for Participation for MIT STAMP/STPA Workshop 2014
Nancy Leveson
leveson.nancy8 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 13 18:06:05 CET 2013
(Apologies for duplicate messages)
*Call for Participation*
*Third STAMP/STPA Workshop*
*March 25-27, 2014*
STAMP is a new accident causality model based on systems theory and systems
thinking described in Nancy Leveson’s new book “Engineering a Safer World.”
STPA is a powerful new hazard analysis technique based on STAMP while CAST
is the equivalent for accident/incident analysis. Interest in and use of
STPA and CAST is growing. As a result, we will be holding a third
STAMP/STPA Workshop on March 25-27.
*Additional Information*: The PSAS website (http://psas.scripts.mit.edu/home)
contains the presentations from past workshops and will provide more
information about this one when available.
*Due date Dec. 10*: (send to leveson at mit.edu)
· Interest in making a presentation (1 page description of the
content of your proposed presentation)
· Other types of sessions you would like to lead or participate in
· Extended abstract (2-3 pages) for a research paper
· Proposals or suggestions for tutorial or other sessions
· Additional suggestions for the meeting or other ways you might
like to participate
*Possible Topics for Presentations (not limited to these):*
· Experiences using STPA and CAST
· Safety-guided design using STPA
· Accident analyses
· Certification and regulatory issues
· Evaluations and comparisons with traditional techniques
· Risk management and identifying leading indicators
· Applications to security
· Implications of STAMP and STPA for integrated modular avionics,
interoperability, cyber warfare
· Tools, processes, and other support for analysis and design using
· Management and adoption experiences or challenges
*Program*: Notification about acceptance and a detailed program will be
available by the end of January. We will provide a registration website
although the meeting will again this year not have a registration fee.
*Location*: MIT
Prof. Nancy Leveson
Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems
MIT, Room 33-334
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02142
Telephone: 617-258-0505
Email: leveson at mit.edu
URL: http://sunnyday.mit.edu
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