[SystemSafety] The bomb again
Brent Kimberley
brent_kimberley at rogers.com
Wed Oct 9 21:24:14 CEST 2013
Does similar logic apply to rotations such as pitch-yaw-roll and quaternians? Quaternians may eliminate singularities but pitch-yaw-roll is intuitive.
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Bernard Ladkin <ladkin at rvs.uni-bielefeld.de>
Sender: systemsafety-bounces at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 13:52:24
To: Matthew Squair<mattsquair at gmail.com>
Cc: systemsafety at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de<systemsafety at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de>
Subject: Re: [SystemSafety] The bomb again
On 10/8/13 7:43 AM, Matthew Squair wrote:
> Isn't the question of whether you trust their efforts really a variant of the agency dilemma? And
> isn't that what 'design' of the socio-technical system should address, and what a methodology such
> as STAMP can assist you in doing?
Well, I bet some System Safety List old hands are chuckling to themselves at this one. I'd hate to
Let's stick with accident analysis. We have our own method for causally analysing accidents, called
WBA. It is used in certain large German companies, and of course Causalis uses it for clients who
wish for causal analyses.
WBA does not have an inbuilt method for classifying
operator/organisational/society/legal/governmental (OOSLG) factors as such. We use the PARDIA
classification for pointy-end activities and use decision-theoretic analyses (Rational Cognitive
Modelling) for multi-agent interactions. WBA does determine where any OOSLG factors are present and
those that are not addressed by PARDIA and RCM I like to leave for the organisational scientists
such as Downer and Perrow.
Two hundred fifty years ago, David Hume proposed two characterisations of cause which have
persisted. One is the constant-conjunction criterion (CCC), beloved of those who collect statistics
on repeatable events, for example the superb recent work of Judea Pearl and colleagues. The other is
the counterfactual criterion, which WBA uses in a form called the Counterfactual Test (CT). Almost
all conceptions of causality in the scientific, engineering and philosophical literature are one or
the other of these. CT is used in an intuitive fashion by more or less all aviation accident
investigations, and it occurs explicitly in the USAF guidance for aviation accident investigation.
It should be more or less obvious why this is so - commercial-aviation accidents are not events
which repeat in a manner in which CCC can address. (In contrast, CCC *obviously* helps with road
safety, because road accidents happen with appropriate frequencies for CCC techniques to be useful.)
Ten years ago, Nancy announced that she had a new conception of causality, which was embodied in
STAMP. I saw, and continue to see, a problem in redefining a concept which has had a good and
productive run in science for three centuries (if not two and a half millenia). It could well be
that this new concept is a very useful concept; it could be very helpful in identifying areas of
interest in accident investigation; indeed, judging by the interest in STAMP I imagine many people
think it is. But why not choose a different word for it?
We had a discussion on the York list. It wasn't scientifically very fruitful (but I do remember
fondly - and repeat - a particular piece of repartee).
People who like STAMP could *obviously* use WBA for parts of what they do - the two methods are
compatible. And they would see the same advantage as other WBA users. The only hindrance to such
practice is use of the word "causal" for two different concepts.
The other thing about using STAMP is you have to buy the model. Now, I'm sure it is helpful, because
the people developing STAMP are very smart and very dedicated and have been at it for a decade. But
is the model right? One might well be able to persuade engineers that the STAMP
social/organisational model is the bee's knees, but it is a quite different matter to persuade the
experts in those things, the organisational scientists.
Constance Perrin wrote a book in which she investigated some incidents at nuclear power stations and
came to the conclusion that there was a tension between the way the plant was conceived to work
organisationally and the architecture of plant operations impregnated in the minds of the operators,
who came mostly from the "nuclear navy", which had/has a modus operandi completely different from
the intended plant-operations architecture. A crucial insight. It is not obvious to me how a STAMP
analysis would lead you to the same conclusion. (Maybe a good project to try?) That is why I prefer
to leave these matters to the organisational theorists (despite their insistence upon using a
language whose syntax and vocabulary is identical with those of English but whose semantics appears
to come from Alpha Centauri).
Ten years ago, some colleagues in Braunschweig compared analyses of the same accident (the Brühl
derailment) using WBA and using STAMP. STAMP identified a lot of organisational features of the
Deutsch Bahn (German railways, as it then was; now it's DB). STAMP likes to see feedback, but the
DB, like many German organisations, is hierarchical and STAMP wanted to see cycles where things were
acyclic. It wouldn't have been helpful, because, well, I guess you could try to tell DB to change
things, but they would say "we have been doing it like this for over a century; here are the reasons
we do it this way (giving you the very thick history book); it has evolved so and it more or less
works; and if we change it to something new we are likely to introduce weaknesses which we won't
know about until we start having accidents because of them." And, you know, that's not a bad set of
reasons: you don't change things that aren't really broken, even when a major scientist redefines
"broken" for you. (In contrast, they are happily adopting WBA through third-party recommendation and
All of which is not to say that we indulge heavily in NIH round here. Indeed, there was a major
STAMP workshop recently put on by colleague Schnieder in Braunschweig, which generated a lot of
interest. That's very welcome - as Nancy says, the important thing is thinking hard about hazards
and accidents and using whatever help you can get.
Prof. Peter Bernard Ladkin, Faculty of Technology, University of Bielefeld, 33594 Bielefeld, Germany
Tel+msg +49 (0)521 880 7319 www.rvs.uni-bielefeld.de
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