[SystemSafety] Automobile Safety-Critical Kit (Bookout v. Toyota Motor transcript)
Heath Raftery
hraftery at restech.net.au
Thu Oct 31 21:38:04 CET 2013
I read the transcript as best I could yesterday. To read it word for
word would likely take a couple of days, so I skimmed. Interestingly,
the excerpts in the EE Times article I did read verbatim - I think that
section was not only of greatest interest to engineers, but probably
ended up having the greatest impact on the court.
Mr Barr seems, based on the transcript, to be an excellent code
reviewer. He's also an excellent communicator. He put together a very
convincing case that the code was unsatisfactory. Not only was the
quality of the code poor, their review and tracking procedures were
sorely lacking. This is beneath what we would want to believe a car
manufacturer adheres to.
On the other hand, I remain unconvinced the software had anything to do
with the crash. The driver was 76 years old at the time. This crash was
subject to an NTSB investigation, and investigators found no evidence
that it was a software fault or a hardware fault. The crash recorder
says the driver pushed the accelerator and was not pushing the brakes,
and then the car was hit. Even Mr Barr's demonstration of a potential
fault scenario (inject a bit flip, task dies, cruise control is resumed
while the brake is lightly applied - acceleration continues past
setpoint), while clearly a bug that should be fixed, is very hard to
imagine as relevant to the crash.
I believe Mr Barr rightly convinced the court that the software
development project lacked quality, and then, by virtue of some terrible
cross-examination, he leads the jury to assume that the software bugs
could have caused the accident.
I suspect, with no proof, that the code reached that state iteratively -
I could well imagine it started with the best intentions and best
practices. Then, as budgets dwindled, management got jumpy, and feature
request/bug fixes got thrown in at the last minute, the code got messy
and the review process fell away. The team probably consoled themselves
by enormous system tests - in 1000's of km of testing, not one issue, so
the crappy code works. It looks like rubbish, but it works.
Then, an old lady hits the accelerator instead of the brake, the code
gets presented in court, a jury of laypeople looking for someone to
blame are shocked at what actually runs the cars we drive and boom -
Toyota is at fault in an accident causing death.
In the end I think people will have to start to expect software to cost
more - we need these laborious (and rather dull, frankly) safety
practices for two reasons: the first is that they can help build in
quality (cue endless argument about whether they are the best way or
even an effective way) and second because as engineers we're responsible
for people's lives and sooner or later we need *evidence* that we've
taken that into consideration.
It's an incredibly timely episode for our workplace, where we develop
hardware and firmware for safety critical applications in another field
entirely (mining) - there's this uneducated push to "go SIL" but no one
appreciates the learning curve and the cost, and when push comes to
shove, we just resort back to getting the job done as quickly as
possible. That's starting to change.
On 1/11/2013 5:30 AM, Chris Hills wrote:
> The complete transcript.
> http://veriloud.com/Barr_REDACTED.pdf
> *From:*systemsafety-bounces at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
> [mailto:systemsafety-bounces at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de] *On Behalf
> Of *Chuck_Petras at selinc.com
> *Sent:* 31 October 2013 17:57
> *To:* systemsafety at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
> *Subject:* Re: [SystemSafety] Automobile Safety-Critical Kit (Bookout v.
> Toyota Motor transcript)
> Some excerpts from the court transcript...
> Toyota Case: Inside Camry’s Electronic Control Module,
> <http://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1319952>
> Chuck Petras, PE**
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