[SystemSafety] Agile methods
jean-louis Boulanger
jean.louis.boulanger at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 11:48:29 CEST 2013
Just one point ....
yes agile exist, yes it exist white paper and other ...
but I am an assessor in railway domain and I participate to many comitee
where different domain work on safety
and nobody used the agile method for safety-critical application
and I am not sure that it's relevant .... the objective is the safety and
the demonstration of the safety
2013/9/2 Geoffrey Biggs <geoffrey.biggs at aist.go.jp>
> Bruce Douglass (the IBM lead person on their Harmony version of agile) has
> a white paper about the use of Agile analysis in safety-critical software:
> http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/agile-analysis-practices-safety-critical-development/
> I don't know how much practical experience he actually has, but judging
> from his examples in this and other white papers, any he does have is in
> the medical devices domain. Perhaps this might be a useful reference; I'm
> not in a position to judge.
> As an aside, I would be interested in hearing the opinions of the experts
> on this list about that article.
> Geoff
> On 31 August 2013 10:42, René Senden <rene.senden at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Before I respond to the feedback given thus far.. and any future
>> ones...let
>> me say this..
>> Please assume that I am aware of some basic knowledge (theoretical only)
>> about agile methods, and extensive & practice knowledge of "system safety"
>> in various industries, obviously including
>> software aspects. Also, you may assume that I am an avid follower of
>> relevant publications in our field. As such, I also wish to ask anyone who
>> considers to respond to my question, to read my
>> question before doing so. I am not particularly interested in
>> contributions
>> which question the question at hand. Of course questions submitted to this
>> list lead to debates, and that is fine so feel free,
>> but let it be clear that I will not respond to contributions to this
>> thread
>> which do not address PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE related to the premise I
>> described. Too often questions on this list digress into
>> irrelevant debates, frequently of a misguided philosophical nature.
>> Rene
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: René Senden [mailto:rene.senden at gmail.com]
>> Sent: vrijdag 30 augustus 2013 19:03
>> To: systemsafety at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
>> Subject: Agile methods
>> Dear all,
>> Do any of you have practical experience with reconciling established agile
>> software development with software safety requirements (e.g. IEC-61508 or
>> DO-178..) ?
>> Best regards,
>> Rene
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Mr Jean-louis Boulanger
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