[SystemSafety] Which software for very basic FTA?
Alvery.Grazebrook at airbus.com
Tue Sep 24 14:47:31 CEST 2013
Just a passing thought, there are a lot of UML tools out there, free and otherwise. UML tools draw nodes with links, and properties on the nodes. They generally have very good editors, and good printing / reporting structures. You might find that mis-using an activity diagram or class diagram in a UML tool would produce an adequate result, which would be easier to maintain structurally than Visio. The tool I use most is Topcased
although there are lots of them out there:
Along the same lines of thinking, there is at least one free GSN (Goal Structured Notation) tool out there: http://www.atego.com/download-center/product/atego-gsn-modeler/
and GSN editors do hierarchical trees with properties on the nodes. This would be less of a mis-use than the UML diagram suggestion
** the opinions here are my own, not necessarily those of my employer.
-----Original Message-----
From: systemsafety-bounces at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de [mailto:systemsafety-bounces at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de] On Behalf Of David MENTRE
Sent: 24 September 2013 10:38 AM
To: systemsafety at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Subject: [SystemSafety] Which software for very basic FTA?
I am planning to do some FTA (and possibly FMEA). Such FTA are going to be very very basic (relatively small tree, no probabilities, no need for cut set, etc.).
I could use MS Visio or similar drawing software. I am already using MS Excel. However I would like to have (i) a graphical representation of the tree, (ii) numbering of events (for traceability), (iii) printing capabilities (print the tree on several A4 pages in readable form).
Which software, preferably Open Source or at least freely available, would you recommend? I am working on Windows and Linux platforms.
Sincerely yours,
D. Mentré
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