[SystemSafety] NYTimes: The Next Accident Awaits
Les Chambers
les at chambers.com.au
Mon Feb 3 04:05:22 CET 2014
Thanks Nancy
I'll read your paper.
Regarding your comment:
"WRT confirmation bias, when you are required to follow a specific process,
then that is not subject to confirmation bias. It simply requires following
the process. It does not require selection of what information to provide
to a regulator and it does not involve not considering negative evidence."
First - a definition of confirmation bias from Wikipedia:
"the tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs or
hypotheses. People display this bias when they gather or remember
information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way."
Second - a case study of prescriptive regulation:
A team of people gather in a room to perform a hazard analysis on a freeway
road tunnel. This process is a requirement of the prescribed standard IEC
A consultant in a shiny suit steps up to the podium and produces a
spreadsheet with a list of standard freeway road tunnel hazards. It's
impressive. The man himself is an acknowledged expert in tunnel safety
management (he's never actually operated a tunnel, but I guess that's okay,
he's read a lot of books and talked to people). He works through the hazard
list and we assign risk probabilities and severities relevant to our target
tunnel environment. I have not met most of the people in the room and am not
aware of their backgrounds or reasons for attending. About an hour into the
meeting I notice a very small group of them fidgeting and looking a tad
upset. Finally they get up and leave in the middle of the meeting.
I leave my seat, motor out the conference room door and chase them down the
hallway. Why? These guys have the look of operations people. I love their
ilk, they are the same all over the world: Hard-working, dependable, smart
with a healthy contempt for BS. Quite apart from this they are the best
reference for what could go wrong with any system. I catch up with them and
we exchange pleasantries. To cut a long story short they are unhappy and
they are leaving because they are not being heard. The most frequent
hazardous event on a freeway tunnel in Australia is oversized vehicles
crashing into the tunnel portal followed by large chunks of truck smashing
into the vehicles behind. This scenario wasn't being discussed with the
seriousness it deserved.
Cut to the dialogue with the regulator:
Regulator: You ran a hazard analysis?
Developer: Yes, here is the hazard log ...
Regulator: Was the hazard analysis performed by suitably experienced people?
Developer: Yes. a world expert in tunnel safety facilitated the meeting
(name and resume provided).
Regulator: tick, comply
Facts that escaped mention:
- Operations people not consulted
- The most common hazardous event in tunnel operations not on the list (it
got put on later)
This scenario repeats in one form or another on just about any project with
a process compliance requirement. Questions that aren't asked (and should
be) aren't answered. Questions that are asked are answered to present the
developer in the best light.
Expecting that a process will be followed (truly, madly, deeply and
confirmation bias free) purely because it is prescribed is to run a
regulatory regime informed by Alice in Wonderland.
From: Nancy Leveson [mailto:leveson.nancy8 at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2014 11:27 AM
To: Les Chambers
Cc: Tracy White; systemsafety at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Subject: Re: [SystemSafety] NYTimes: The Next Accident Awaits
No, I don't have any more time to spend on this list. If you google "Leveson
+ safety case" you will find a paper I wrote on this topic where the terms
are all defined. Email lists are very poor ways to communicate and discuss
anything of import.
WRT confirmation bias, when you are required to follow a specific process,
then that is not subject to confirmation bias. It simply requires following
the process. It does not require selection of what information to provide
to a regulator and it does not involve not considering negative evidence.
Everyone seems to be ignoring the other problems of a safety case, at least
in the U.S., that I mentioned in my message, including the problems of
finding regulators that can evaluate any argument and the infeasibility of
having enough resources provided by the U.S. government to provide the
necessary resources.
Sorry, but my tolerance for discussions on email lists and my available time
have both run out :-).
On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 8:03 PM, Les Chambers <les at chambers.com.au> wrote:
Could we drill down here. I feel it would be instructive for many of us.
Could you please describe the attributes of a goal-oriented regulatory
regime that distinguish it from a prescriptive regulatory regime.
The source of my confusion: On my case study project the hazard analysis
identified safety requirements. Compliance with those safety requirements
became the goal. This was prescribed by the standard. Which was prescribed
by the rail authority. Some of the hazards we worked on were actually
allocated to us by the rail authority (our system was part of a larger
system - rail transportation). The level of risk tolerance was also well
documented. I still have a mouse pad with the risk matrix printed thereon.
So you could say our hazard analysis and goal setting was well integrated
with that of the customer. I'm struggling to find fault with this approach.
Further, I repeat my assertion that any regulatory regime is vulnerable to
confirmation bias in that it involves a developer making pronouncements and
providing evidence to a regulator. Hopefully the evidence is based on fact
but facts can be selective. Could you please respond: how does a
prescriptive regulatory regime reduce the probability of confirmation bias
over a goal-oriented regulatory regime? Could you provide a real world case
It's interesting to note that the computer security community is developing
approaches very similar to that of functional safety (evidence the emerging
"bake security in" paradyme). There are a bit behind us though. For example,
Windows Vista was the first Microsoft operating system fully "touched" by
their security development life-cycle (SDL). One thing they have that we
don't is a more insightful perspective on human weakness. They expect to
deal with dishonesty as the normal case. We trust but verify (and too often
hope for the best). I was intrigued by one of their rules of thumb: the 10 -
80 - 10 rule. 10% of people will never do the crime. 10% of people view
crime as their occupation. The rest of us are opportunists.
From: Nancy Leveson [mailto:leveson.nancy8 at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2014 9:01 AM
To: Les Chambers
Cc: Tracy White; systemsafety at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Subject: Re: [SystemSafety] NYTimes: The Next Accident Awaits
Writing a final report about what was done for a prescriptive regulatory
regime is not what I or others are talking about when we talk about safety
cases in a goal-oriented regulatory regime where the regulee determines how
they will achieve the goal.
Let's not confuse the issue here. Writing a final report is done by everyone
and does not need a special name nor does it require any special
On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 5:57 PM, Les Chambers <les at chambers.com.au> wrote:
Hi Nancy
Like Tracy I am having a problem understanding your opposition to safety
cases. It may be to do with the way they are used in various countries and
application domains. My experience is in rail. I wrote the safety case for
an environmental control system in an underground Asian rail network. The
project's compliance requirement was: CENELEC EN 50128 (still in draft form
at the time). I used the safety case format specified in EN 50129. In the
rail environment the safety case was only a component of the overall safety
program. The CENELEC standards are highly prescriptive of engineering
process, the level of "ceremony" required being a function of SIL level. I
am assuming this is what you mean by "prescriptive regulation". So in this
project we had both a safety case and prescriptive regulation. In fact the
safety case was part of the prescriptive regulation. It was prescribed that
we create one. And the job fell to me (for my sins).
The thrust of the safety case was as follows:
1. Our initial safety plan indicated that we would do these things ...
2. This is what we actually did ...
3. Here is the evidence ...
If you like, the safety case was a wrapup of the safety program. Most of the
detail wasn't in the safety case document, it referred to the hazard log
which was the core artefact for safety on the project. Hazards were
identified on commencement and throughout the project, corrective action
taken to reduce risk, evidence that the corrective action had been taken
recorded and, at the end of the project someone (me) went through the hazard
log and verified that all the hazards had been closed out (that is, evidence
existed that corrective action had been taken). This project had 50 people
and ran for three years.
The safety case was a very clean way of communicating with the rail
authority. They were pleased and astounded that we went to the lengths we
did. It was also a neat way of wrapping up the overall safety program and
making sure that we had all the bases covered. Over three years with people
coming and going it is easy to forget where you're up to with a safety
RE: your comments on confirmation bias, I couldn't agree more. It's a
natural human failing ... And for that reason it's prevalent in all
regulatory frameworks, not just safety case creation. My concept of
prescriptive regulation is that you require developers to follow various
processes and produce evidence that the work has been done. This is a very
coarse-grained way of gaining visibility into the real workings of any
project. The fact that a review was run or a test performed and beautiful
paperwork created to record the event often has no bearing on the
effectiveness of the review or the visibility a test might have given into
the real quality of the work product. All regulation does is make sure that
at least the developer is going through the motions. For this reason, if
there happens to be a devil in the details, it is highly unlikely that a
regulator will find it no matter what they do.
My personal view is that the job of a regulator is to find gross departures
from recognised best practice and put them right. If they just concentrated
on that the world would be a better place. Examples of gross behaviour
falling through the regulatory net are many:
Fukushima: books written on the risk of backup generators being flooded by a
tsunami before the tsunami hit
Air France: don't train your pilots to fly with no air speed indication
Road tunnels: open the tunnel before you've finished testing the safety
systems (this is an Australian favourite I've personally experienced)
Deepwater Horizon: why didn't you have an easily deployable recovery plan
for a combination riser pipe and valve failure on the seabed (that would be
a simple question for a regulator to ask wouldn't it?)
Taiwan high-speed rail: ignore conditions of contract relating to safety
compliance and do what you like (another company, not mine)
The problem of visibility gets worse as these projects become larger and
more complex. I worked on the Taiwan's high-speed rail project where we were
five companies down on the food chain from the rail authority - we were a
subcontractor of a subcontractor of a subcontractor of a subcontractor of a
prime contractor. The only way to handle situations such as these is to get
contractors to demonstrate as much commitment to safety as possible and that
can only be achieved through the act of communicating in writing through
safety cases and other project artefacts. Beyond that I am in furious
agreement with the comment on SUBSAFE - it comes down to the culture of the
company and the people they employ. If they are not producing paperwork they
probably don't have the culture. If they are producing the paperwork and it
looks bad they don't have the people. This should be when the alarm goes off
and the regulator moves in. The fact that this doesn't happen too often
(especially in banking) means we've got a long way to go with the very
basics (forget about the minute details of whether or not a design is safe).
I had an extreme experience recently that refocused me on this people issue.
I joined 10 guys and one lady on a 51 foot yacht for a short sail across the
Atlantic (2,970 NM). The highly effective teamwork that materialised almost
instantly amongst a bunch of people who did not know each other was
beautiful to behold (my blog entitled "Atlantic 13: Professional yachtsman
and meddling bastards" is in the works - the skipper gave me the title -
that's how he reviews engineers). The motivation for teamwork was something
to do with the obvious consequences that would flow from bad actions or
inaction (shades of SUBSAFE).
My conclusion: Somehow we've got to find better ways to reconnect the
non-safety community with nature, help them draw the obvious line between a
bad helmsman, a big sea, a 50 knot gust, a crash jibe, a ripple of energy up
the mast, a crack at the spreaders, tons of aluminium and flogging sails
hitting the deck and a bunch of very sad (potentially injured) people
clinging to a drifting boat, dead in the water, in the middle of a very
large ocean.
Until then - maintain the rage.
From: systemsafety-bounces at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
[mailto:systemsafety-bounces at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de] On Behalf Of
Nancy Leveson
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2014 5:52 AM
To: Tracy White
Cc: systemsafety at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Subject: Re: [SystemSafety] NYTimes: The Next Accident Awaits
Tracy White wrote:
"I am slightly confused and a little perturbed by an argument that a
'safety case' in someway replaces any regulatory control (or government
I haven't seen anyone on this list say that.
On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 7:39 PM, Tracy White <tracy.white at mac.com> wrote:
I am slightly confused and a little perturbed by an argument that a 'safety
case' in someway replaces any regulatory control (or government
interference). Even more that a safety case would not include a subclaim to
have conducted a 'rigorous hazard analysis' program ... or to have applied
appropriate 'procedures and standards'.
Anybody who thinks that 'safety cases' in anyway replaces some form of
regulation is ignorant of its purpose. I work in a regulatory environment
and the 'safety case' is the primary communications medium with that
regulator, elements of which will talk to hazard identification and
compliance with standards and codes considered representative of engineering
'good practice'. I would agree that there are good and bad safety cases and
I think that 'industries that do not 'have a good historical culture in
terms of safety' are as ignorant of purpose of the safety cases as they of
the need for safety in general.
Regards, Tracy
On 01/02/2014, at 12:48 AM, Nancy Leveson wrote:
It is very difficult to characterize the U.S. In general, the country is so
physically large that there are extreme differences in culture and politics
(generally but not always physically bounded). Much of the central
government in the US and European worlds seem to be moving toward
libertarianism, but I am probably mischaracterizing Europe based on biased
news reports. The individual U.S. states show extreme differences. At the
extremes, Texas and California may as well be in different worlds, let alone
countries when it comes to safety regulations (and lots of other things
irrelevant to this list). There are also such different cultures in
different industries that it is difficult to make general statements. Mining
and civil aviation are examples of such extremes.
But I will make one general statement that is only my personal experience.
Because of my paper arguing against safety cases, I am getting many calls
from government employees and company lawyers as well as individual
engineers. Some of the companies pushing the "safety case" in the U.S. are
those who don't want any government interference and see the safety case as
a way to get around the rigorous procedural standards that now exist here in
many industries. They seem to feel that they will be able to get rid of the
procedures and standards that exist now and can write anything they want in
a safety case and therefore save money and time in the rigorous hazard
analysis now widely required while using any design features they want.
These are primarily in industries that do not have a good historical culture
in terms of safety.
On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 4:08 AM, RICQUE Bertrand (SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE)
<bertrand.ricque at sagem.com> wrote:
Hi Nancy,
Concerning France you are right, and in that case I think that the cultural
aspect dominates. There is no safety culture in the population as in UK, as
acknowledged after AZF accident. The risk stops at the fence of the plant
and you can safely build your house on the other side
The regulations have
changed since but not the cultures. The safety engineers concerned by the
new regulations live a nightmare as the choices are more or less, dismantle
the plant versus dismantle the town
I think that the safety cultures have
more impact on the final result than the competence of the safety community.
Bertrand Ricque
Program Manager
Optronics and Defence Division
Sights Program
Mob : +33 6 87 47 84 64 <tel:%2B33%206%2087%2047%2084%2064>
Tel : +33 1 59 11 96 82 <tel:%2B33%201%2059%2011%2096%2082>
Bertrand.ricque at sagem.com
From: systemsafety-bounces at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
[mailto:systemsafety-bounces at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de] On Behalf Of
Nancy Leveson
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 8:59 PM
To: systemsafety at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Subject: Re: [SystemSafety] NYTimes: The Next Accident Awaits
It would be nice to actually introduce some data into the discussions on
this list. First, although it is very true that the U.K. has excellent
comparative occupational safety statistics, this exceptional performance
predated safety cases by at least 100 years and is as much a cultural
artifact of the U.K. as any current practices. While the rest of the world
was suffering the results of steam engine explosions in the late 1800s, for
example, Great Britain was the first to implement measures to reduce them.
(I wrote a paper on this once if anyone is interested.) Although the British
citizens on this list know more about the history of the UK HSE, I believe
they were the first country to require companies to have safety policies,
etc., after the Flixborough explosion. Safety cases, I believe, came into
being only after the more recent Piper Alpha explosion.
Trying to tie accident rates in different countries to particular ways of
regulating safety is dicey at best. First, there are significant differences
between the engineering, agricultural, industry, and service rates of
accidents in countries, often related to technical differences. Some have
high agricultural accident rates but low service accident rates. For
example, accident rates are going to be very different in a country with
high tech agricultural techniques compared to those still plowing fields
with a pair of oxen. Politics plays an even more important role. For
example, western countries often put very dangerous processes and plants in
third world countries or governments in these countries do not have laws
that require manufacturers to use even minimal safety practices in
manufacturing, for example, and they will not as long as they need the
revenue and jobs. The safety culture in these countries will not change
magically by using one type of regulatory regime.
Note also, that there are vast differences in industries. Those with the
very safest records, such as the U.S. SUBSAFE program, do not use safety
cases. (And they have managed to have an incredible safety record despite
being in the U.S. :-)). If we want to compare the effectiveness of different
regulatory regimes, then we need to provide scientific evaluations and not
just misuse statistics (which may involve factors that have nothing to do
with the actual regulatory regime used).
Also, as Michael Holloway noted, culture differences will make different
types of regulation more or less different in different countries and
Finally, I would like to point out to those who are making some national
comparisons and putting down the U.S. in comparison with France, for
example, that the fatal occupational accident rate in the U.S. is less than
that of France. Perhaps we can avoid mixing politics and chauvinism with
science on this list.
On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 8:50 AM, Martyn Thomas
<martyn at thomas-associates.co.uk> wrote:
I'm a non-exec Director at the UK's Health and Safety Laboratory
(www.hsl.gov.uk <http://www.hsl.gov.uk/> ). We carry out the basic research
that underpins the UK's regulation of occupational health and safety,
ranging from reducing accidents on construction sites and improving the
tethering of loads on lorries, through to reproducing and analysing major
explosions (such as Buncefield - http://www.buncefieldinvestigation.gov.uk/)
and destruction-testing the physical integrity of tankers and rolling-stock.
We also undertake commercial work that uses our unusual experimental and
analysis capabilities and very strong science base.
The UK is unusual in having a goal-based, safety-case regulatory regime and
a regulator (HSE) with its own expert research establishment (HSL). We are
getting an increasing number of approaches from Governments in the Far and
Middle East who see the UK's good performance in occupational Health and
Safety and who want to investigate setting up similar goal-based regulation.
Maybe there is something in the HSE/HSL approach that the US chemical
industry could benefit from.
Martyn Thomas CBE FREng
On 29/01/2014 22:05, Peter Bernard Ladkin wrote:
A worthy opinion piece from the Chair of the US Chemical Safety Board. Note
his suggestion that identifying hazards and mitigation is just
well-established best practice. I can say from experience that it is not yet
in Europe in all industries with safety aspects, even though he holds Europe
up as having a factor of three fewer chemical accidents as the US.
The System Safety Mailing List
systemsafety at TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE
Prof. Nancy Leveson
Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems
MIT, Room 33-334
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02142
Telephone: 617-258-0505
Email: leveson at mit.edu
URL: http://sunnyday.mit.edu <http://sunnyday.mit.edu/>
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Prof. Nancy Leveson
Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems
MIT, Room 33-334
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02142
Telephone: 617-258-0505
Email: leveson at mit.edu
URL: http://sunnyday.mit.edu <http://sunnyday.mit.edu/>
The System Safety Mailing List
systemsafety at TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE
The System Safety Mailing List
systemsafety at TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE
Prof. Nancy Leveson
Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems
MIT, Room 33-334
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02142
Telephone: 617-258-0505
Email: leveson at mit.edu
URL: http://sunnyday.mit.edu
Prof. Nancy Leveson
Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems
MIT, Room 33-334
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02142
Telephone: 617-258-0505
Email: leveson at mit.edu
URL: http://sunnyday.mit.edu
Prof. Nancy Leveson
Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems
MIT, Room 33-334
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02142
Telephone: 617-258-0505
Email: leveson at mit.edu
URL: http://sunnyday.mit.edu
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