[SystemSafety] Update and reminder: Still time to submit to workshop on standards
Patrick Graydon
patrick.graydon at mdh.se
Thu Feb 13 08:40:00 CET 2014
There is still time to submit a brief position paper to the Planning the Unplanned Experiment: Assessing the Efficacy of Standards for Safety-Critical Software (AESSCS). The current submission deadline is 21 February, and the workshop will be held on 13 May in Newcastle in conjunction with the European Dependable Computing Conference. Details are available at http://www.idt.mdh.se/AESSCS_2014/.
We are pleased to announce that our keynote speakers will be Pippa Moore from the UK Civil Aviation Authority and John McDermid of the University of York.
We eagerly await your contributions and participation!
— Patrick
Dr Patrick John Graydon
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Innovation, Design, and Engineering (IDT)
Mälardalens Högskola (MDH), Västerås, Sweden
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