[SystemSafety] Bicycle Helmets
M Mencke
menckem at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 16:46:39 CEST 2014
The "Invisible Bike Helmet" with an airbag might be a good investment.
2014-10-15 16:14 GMT+02:00 Andreoli, Kevin (UK) <
kevin.andreoli at baesystems.com>:
> I see a lot of cyclists riding around with helmets which seem to me to be
> perched on top of their heads and thus offer no protection to the side of
> the head. These would probably help a lot in over-the-bars accidents but
> not in sideways falls onto kerbs etc. As a (I should probably say former)
> motorcyclist the helmets I am used to would appear to offer much more
> protection. One alternative I see are the hard helmets worn by
> skateboarders which seem to protect the top half of the skull without being
> as thick as the cycle helmets. I presume these are made more like a
> motorcycle one.
> We all appear to know people who are thankful for their helmets and I am
> surprised that the statistics don't show their usefulness. That said, a
> friend who never commuted to work without his and was saved by it, never
> bothers when he is riding down to the pub! Go figure.
> Opinions not those of my employer.
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> Sent: 15 October 2014 15:02
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> Subject: Re: [SystemSafety] Bicycle Helmets
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> An observation - recently, I saw a cyclist in a motorcycle helmet. Maybe
> they had read the BSI standard and decided they needed something more?
> One design feature of motorcycle and horse-riding helmets is that they
> protect the neck from being over-flexed by having a lowered back edge to
> the helmet. This is not a feature of normal cycle helmets. I wonder if the
> statistics would improve if there were a second bike-helmet standard
> designed for "high-speed or long-distance" cycling?
> Cheers,
> Alvery
> ** These opinions are my own, not necessarily those of my employer **
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