[SystemSafety] Software reliability (or whatever you would prefer to call it)
C. Michael Holloway
c.m.holloway at nasa.gov
Tue Mar 10 14:05:50 CET 2015
I believe that if one looks at the history of reliability theory, one
would discover that I'm not the one doing the redefining. But I may be
(standard disclaimer)
On 3/10/15 8:16 AM, Martyn Thomas wrote:
> My train service is unreliable - not because it degrades physically
> (though it does) but because the drivers don't show up when needed ...
> (Maybe they have degraded physically too, but I blame late nights
> watching football).
> Let's not try to redefine "reliability". Let's characterise the
> properties that we are discussing and choose some names that we agree to
> use for them (without overloading terms that have other, accepted meanings).
> Martyn
> On 10/03/2015 10:34, C. Michael Holloway wrote:
>> I can't speak for Nick, but I object to the use of the term
>> "reliability" being applied to anything other than failures (using the
>> term loosely) resulting from physical degradation over time.
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