[SystemSafety] Modelling and coding guidelines: "Unambiguous Graphical Representation"

Michael J. Pont M.Pont at SafeTTy.net
Sat Feb 27 15:37:16 CET 2016


Michael J. Pont wrote:


"The organisations that we work with on ISO 26262 (and similar) projects are
not yet ready to embrace formal methods.  I suspect that this is the case
for the majority of users of ISO 26262 at this time."


Martyn Thomas responded:


"Would it be controversial to suggest that they are therefore "not yet
ready" to be considered competent to build safety-critical software -
especially in an environment of heightened cybersecurity threats?"




I stand by my original comments.


Outside the rarefied atmosphere of this list, I think the answer to your
question would be a clear "yes".


(Yes - it would be controversial to suggest that someone who applies ISO
26262 carefully and thoughtfully, without using formal methods, must be




Michael J. Pont

SafeTTy Systems Ltd



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