[SystemSafety] Finally: the release of the new MISRA-C documents.

Chris Hills safetyyork at phaedsys.com
Thu May 26 10:03:38 CEST 2016


The new MISRA-C documents 

MISRA C:2012 Amendment 1 
A mapping of MISRA C coverage of the "C Secure" ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013
requirements shows that for freestanding applications, MISRA C already has
excellent coverage of the "C Secure" requirements. Additional guidelines are
provided in this document to improve the coverage of the security concerns
highlighted by the "C Secure" guidelines.

MISRA C:2012 Addendum 2
This document contains a mapping of MISRA C coverage of the "C Secure"
requirements and shows that for freestanding applications, MISRA C already
has excellent coverage of the "C Secure" requirements. Additional guidelines
are provided in MISRA C:2012 Amendment 1 to address gaps in coverage.

MISRA Compliance:2016
MISRA Compliance sets out a framework for claiming compliance with MISRA
coding guidelines including guidance on a robust and structured process for
the use of deviations. It includes a mechanism for establishing pre-approved
"permits" to help streamline the deviation process. It supersedes the
compliance, deviation and process requirements previously published in
various MISRA coding guidelines.

MISRA C:2004 permits
This document presents a number of deviation permits covering
commonly-encountered use cases for use with the MISRA C:2004 guidelines. It
should be used in conjunction with MISRA Compliance:2016, a companion
document which describes the purpose of deviation permits and which sets out
the principles by which the concept of MISRA Compliance is governed.

Are now available for Free download from here:


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