[SystemSafety] Tram Accident in Croydon
Peter Bishop
pgb at adelard.com
Fri Nov 11 10:38:52 CET 2016
Re 12 mph / 20 kph limit
Could this be an issue of the wrong speed units?
I.e. driver thinks the limit is 20*mph*?
Peter Bishop
On 10/11/2016 11:45, Peter Bernard Ladkin wrote:
> On 2016-11-10 09:36 , Andreoli, Kevin (UK) wrote:
>> I suspect the reason rail type safety is apparently not installed will be down to the thinking that
>> Trams are Buses on rails and not Tram = Train. .....
> The engineering involved will all have been by professional light-rail people well acquainted with
> the hazards of rail operation, of which overspeed in a changing track configuration is a very well
> known one, as is driver incapacity. I don't expect any comment on this list from UK rail engineers,
> but I wouldn't be surprised if at least one person reading this is thinking "you know, we did
> say......"
> The trams themselves are (first batch) Bombardier Flexity Swift CR4000 sets built in Vienna. They
> apparently do have a "deadmans's handle" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombardier_CR4000
> The second batch are Stadler Variobahn sets https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variobahn Stadler The
> Variobahn is a Bombardier design (originally called Variotram), manufacture of which was taken over
> by Stadler in 2001 (according to the Wikipedia page).
> I wrote:
>> It is the first fatal accident on UK rail/tram lines in 12 years,
> This is not so. It is maybe the first one in that time not involving system-external agency (even
> that is questionable - see 2016.08.07 below). The Wikipedia page on TfL Tramlink
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tramlink says:
>> On 7 September 2008, a bus on route 468 travelled through a red traffic signal and collided with tram
>> 2534 in George Street, Croydon. The impact caused the death of a passenger who was reported to have been
>> thrown through the upper front window of the bus.......
>> On 13 September 2008, tram 2530 collided with a cyclist at Morden Hall Park footpath crossing between
>> Morden Road and Phipps Bridge tram stops. The cyclist sustained injuries from which he later died.
> And I read on the RAIB WWW site of four other fatal accidents in 2016 alone
> https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/raib-current-investigations-register/rail-accident-investigation-branch-current-investigations
> 2016.02.23 a pedestrian was struck by a train on a pedestrian level crossing
> 2016.08.07 a passenger on a train struck his head on a signal gantry
> 2016.08.15 a pedestrian was struck by a tram
> 2016.10.05 a mobility-scooter user was struck at a level crossing
> I also said:
>> The corner is apparently posted at 12 mph = 19 kph
> I took that figure from the newspaper report. The RAIB says it is posted at 20km/h
> https://www.gov.uk/government/news/fatal-tram-accident-in-croydon
> Prof. Peter Bernard Ladkin, Bielefeld, Germany
> MoreInCommon
> Je suis Charlie
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