[SystemSafety] Tram Accident in Croydon
Chris Hills
safetyyork at phaedsys.com
Sun Nov 20 19:52:11 CET 2016
Catching up
Andrew is correct. The Default ASLEF position (like any insurance company
for car drivers ) is to say: "Not the fault of our insured/ the driver."
They are there to defend their member, just as others will defend their
systems/people. Also ASLEF have a political axe to grind anyway in that part
of the world that, they claim, has a safety element to do with controlling
the doors.
At the moment no one is sure of all the facts. Other than the train, by all
accounts, was travelling a lot faster than it should have been.
Why it was traveling too fast has yet to be fully established.
If the driver was not conscious, for whatever reason, then it is clear he
could not have been operating the train. Correctly or incorrectly.
If he was not conscious or in control why didn't the train slow to a stop.
I seem to recall the cab is designed to stop the driver being able to simply
fall onto the dead man's handle and keep the power on if not conscious.
The question I am curious about is what were the " lack of adequate safety
systems were at the root of this dreadful accident" as I assume the fairly
new(?) tram system was to current specifications using reasonably current
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From: systemsafety
[mailto:systemsafety-bounces at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de] On Behalf Of
Dick Selwood
Sent: 17 November 2016 09:08
To: Andrew Banks; systemsafety at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Subject: Re: [SystemSafety] Tram Accident in Croydon
You are doing something that I thought safety professionals didn't do-
reaching a conclusion before all the facts are established
Most of the reports have commented that the driver may have been
unconscious. Until we get the RAIB report it is not appropriate to suggest
that the driver was not operating the equipment correctly
On 17/11/2016 08:33, Andrew Banks wrote:
>> Quote from train driver's union:
>> Aslef, the train drivers' union, said it was "clear that the lack of
adequate safety systems were at the root of this dreadful accident".
I guess the ASLEF spokesman is unlikely to admit "This accident was clearly
caused by our member being incapable of driving the tram within the speed
limit" and will try and pass the buck.
The investigation is in its early days yet, and we can talk all we like
about system issues, but unless the operator operates the equipment
correctly, all the protective systems in the world will not help!
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