[SystemSafety] MISRA-C Videos

Chris Hills safetyyork at phaedsys.com
Wed Feb 22 12:09:22 CET 2017

Posted with permission from PBL

After 20 years MISRA have finally moved into the internet age!   

We have put the last two MISRA-C road map presentations (with audio!) covering the new security coverage and “where next”  on line along with a history of MISRA-C (featuring three people who regularly post on the list).   It seems MISRA-C came from a system developed for medical systems! 

The you tube channel is here:-

You might like to subscribed as you are not going to be inundated with emails (maybe 2 a year if you are lucky)  and I don’t intend to post here every time there is a new video.

Eur Ing Chris Hills BSc CEng MIET MBCS FRGS FRSA 

Phaedrus Systems Ltd         
FREEphone 0808 1800 358    International +44 1827 259 546
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Http://www.phaedsys.com  chills at phaedsys.com 

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