[SystemSafety] "Suggestions about processes / tools that may help organisations to become 'more formal'"
Daniel Kästner
kaestner at absint.com
Wed Nov 8 08:59:00 CET 2017
Dear David,
that is a very nice survey which in my opinion sums up many different
aspects quite nicely.
Just one addendum regarding sound code analysis: with Astrée our customers
routinely analyze C code bases of 2MLOC and beyond these days (cf. paper
below for one example), so it scales to contemporary software sizes.
D. Kästner, A. Miné, L. Mauborgne, X. Rival, J. Feret, P. Cousot, A.
Schmidt, H. Hille, S. Wilhelm, C. Ferdinand. Finding All Potential Runtime
Errors and Data Races in Automotive Software. SAE Technical Paper
2017-01-0054, SAE World Congress 2017, Detroit, April 2017.
doi:10.4271/2017-01-0054. Available from:
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Kaestner ----------------------------------------------
AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH Email: kaestner at AbsInt.com
Science Park 1 Tel: +49-681-3836028
66123 Saarbruecken Fax: +49-681-3836020
GERMANY WWW: http://www.AbsInt.com
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Dr.-Ing. Christian Ferdinand
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Saarbruecken, HRB 11234
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: systemsafety
> [mailto:systemsafety-bounces at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de] Im Auftrag
> von David MENTRÉ
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 7. November 2017 22:42
> An: systemsafety at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
> Betreff: [SystemSafety] "Suggestions about processes / tools that may help
> organisations to become 'more formal'"
> Dear Mr Pont,
> Le 2017-10-26 à 11:21, Michael J. Pont a écrit :
> > There are people on this list who are formal-method 'fans' (some would
> > say 'fundamentalists').
> I would probably be classified as one of those formal methods 'fans': I
> am part of corporate research of a big industrial group and do research
> on formal methods and their application to industrial developments.
> Nonetheless, I also apply by myself formal methods (FM) to real
> industrial software (railway, automotive, factory automation, ...,
> 80-100 Kloc range) so hopefully I keep a critical view on the limits of
> the tools and their applicability to industrial developments with 'real'
> people.
> > In some cases, I think such FM people 'need to get out more' - and spend
> > time with the development teams in real (often fairly
> small) organisations that are struggling to create safety-related systems.
> Such teams usually have very limited time and resources
> available: this does not mean that they are populated by 'bad people' who
> want to create poor-quality systems.
> As other people said, even in big groups people are struggling with
> limited time and resources.
> > Shouting at people because they are not using formal methods doesn't
> > really help ...
> I can only agree.
> > Offering suggestions about processes / tools that may help
> > organisations to become 'more formal' would - in my view - be more
> productive.
> As Peter said, your question is far to broad to give a precise answer. I
> nonetheless try to give below some suggestions, hopefully in a
> constructive manner. I'll give names of companies and products. I'm not
> affiliated to any of them, it is just to show that supporting tools and
> companies do exist. Most of those tools also exist as Free Software or
> at least at no cost, so you can do some experiments. Some of them are
> even available online, so you don't even need to install them.
> Subjectively from the easiest to the most difficult, not in successive
> step (i.e. this is not a process):
> 0. Apply Good-Old-Software-Engineering principles. My short recommended
> reading list is "Better Embedded System Software", P. Koopman
> (http://koopman.us/) and "The Pragmatic Programmer", A. Hunt and D.
> Thomas.
> Often they are a first steps towards the use of formal methods. For
> example, Better Embedded System Software book recommends simple and
> predictable software with minimal complexity, a prerequisite for
> successful application of formal methods. As another example, The
> Pragmatic Programmer recommends Design-by-Contract which is the first
> step towards application of Deductive Verification (aka Hoare-logic
> verification).
> 1. Re-use existing kits already proven with formal methods. You have C
> Compiler (AbsInt's CompCert), Operating Systems (seL4, Prove&Run's
> Provencore, ...), ... No need to change your process or learn "Formal
> Methods", you just use it as you would use other software components.
> They can nonetheless give you strong guaranties, e.g. faithful C code
> translation to assembler for CompCert or strong guarantees on process
> isolation for Provencore.
> 2. Use a language with strong typing. For example, for low level
> programming, you can use Ada instead of C. You'll structurally avoid a
> bunch of errors. If you are using Ada, you can even restrict yourself to
> the SPARK formal subset. Even without proof, you'll gain a deterministic
> language. Companies like AdaCore can help you.
> This can be very easy or very difficult, depending on your corporate
> culture. To my despair in my company this is nearly impossible.
> New languages like Rust have very interesting properties through their
> advanced type system (e.g. guarantee statically absence of memory
> allocation issue or concurrency issue) but applicability to regular
> programmers remains to be checked.
> 3. Use (sometimes FM) tools to automatically generate test cases. You
> do not modify your existing process, just automate part of it, making it
> less costly and free of some human errors. Look at tools like
> VectorCast, PathCrawler (https://frama-c.com/pathcrawler.html) or CBMC.
> You can also use Design-by-Contract, i.e. pre-/post-conditions on
> routines, to have more thorough dynamic check with tests. In Ada
> contracts can be compiled to dynamic assertions by default. In C you can
> use Frama-C / E-ACSL. Once your programmer are at ease with
> Design-by-Contract, they'll be ready to do proof of those contracts.
> You can also apply sound static analysers (see 4. below) on your
> existing tests. If the tool triggers an error, it is a real alarm. No
> false alarm. TrustInSoft's tisinterpreter
> (https://trust-in-soft.com/tis-interpreter/) is such a tool.
> 4. Apply sound (i.e. based on formal methods) static analysers like
> TrustInSoft Analyzer, Frama-C / Value Analysis, AbsInt's Astrée,
> MathWorks' Polyspace. They guarantee absence of run time error
> (out-of-bound array access, division by zero, ...). Their are applicable
> on existing C or Ada code to relatively big code size (100-200 Kloc)
> with low to medium effort.
> If you are using Ada, you can use SPARK tools to prove absence of
> runtime errors.
> 5. Design models using formally defined languages like SCADE and
> automatically generate code from it. You need to change your programming
> language. Depending on your programmers' background, it might be very
> easy to very difficult. You can also do the same thing using MathWorks
> Simulink (easy if you are in automotive industry), but be aware that
> Simulink is far from being a formally defined language (but you can
> always restrict yourself to a well defined subset of it).
> 6. Apply Model Checker or SAT/SMT solvers to models of your system or
> your target code. Tools like SPIN or CBMC come to mind. Such tools can
> be quite easy to use (CBMC) to more involved (SPIN), especially when you
> need to define the key properties to verify. Model Checker can be
> particularly useful to check concurrent systems. However they suffer
> from the state explosion problem, so models need to be designed
> carefully, i.e. use of formal methods becomes more involved. For example
> SCADE has a Model Checker tool but I know no industrial use of it
> (except in a Korean Nuclear very simple shutdown system). On the
> contrary, companies like SafeRiver have successfully developed and
> proved correctness of railway signalling system with MathWorks tools.
> 7. Apply Deductive Verification to prove key properties, routine by
> routine. There are two main issues: (i) write the formal properties
> corresponding to your key safety and security properties and (ii) prove
> them using the tools. For (i), this can be very easy to very difficult,
> depending on properties. For (ii), it depends on your code. If you have
> control dominated code without any loops, tools will prove your
> contracts automatically in a glimpse (I have seen industrial code having
> such form). If you have floating point code and you want to prove
> algorithm correctness, be prepared to a strong effort.
> For Ada you have SPARK, for C you have Frama-C / WP, for Java you can
> use openjml, etc.
> 8. Apply the formal method to the complete development process, from
> specification to implementation, typically using B Method and its formal
> refinement process. You need to completely change your development
> process and invest in strong training of your team. You'll gain very
> strong guarantees (e.g. 0 to 4 errors for 200 Kloc) on the resulting
> software. People (i.e. Siemens and Alstom) have done it for CBTC
> (Communication Based Train Control) safety critical software and railway
> signalling systems for 20 years, up to ~200 Kloc software. Companies
> like ClearSy or Systerel can help you.
> 9. Develop certified tools like CompCert or seL4 by yourself using
> proof assistant like Coq or Isabelle. Be prepared to invest years of
> training and learning, or hire a PhD having done his/her PhD with such
> tools. You can do whatever tools with whatever guarantees you want. Only
> cost would limit you. CompCert cost is about 20-30 man.year with very
> talented people. If I remember correctly seL4 cost is in the same range.
> But tools are improving, proof techniques are improving, knowledge is
> spreading in the formal method community.
> Above classification is my own view but you'll see similar
> classification by other people, e.g. Stone, Bronze, Silver, Gold levels
> of AdaCore and Thales:
> https://www.adacore.com/books/implementation-guidance-spark
> I hope I have given enough food for thought while being realistic. Do
> not hesitate to ask questions if needed, on this list or privately.
> Sincerely yours,
> D. Mentré
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