[SystemSafety] Collected stopgap measures

Derek M Jones derek at knosof.co.uk
Fri Nov 16 14:46:43 CET 2018


> I think this discussion is missing the point.

It certainly is.

Where is the discussion of economics and the primary purpose of
writing software, i.e., maximize return on investment?

> To summarise: Paul Sherwood observed that most successful software
> lacked the basic requirements of a professional engineering design
> process, specifically documented requirements or documented design. He

The lesson to learn here is that successful software does not need
basic requirements of a professional engineering design process.

> also said that in his opinion this was not the right way to develop
> software, especially for safety functions. He further observed that some

We seem to be confounding general software and software for safety

General software has a short lifetime and it is not cost effective
to invest too much up front:

> I would like the discussion to focus on what we might be able to do to
> radically improve software engineering standards across industry, when

Reduce competition (so it becomes profitable to invest more in software,
because it has a longer lifetime) and start throwing people in jail when
software fails.

What other effective incentives are there?

Derek M. Jones           Software analysis
tel: +44 (0)1252 520667  blog:shape-of-code.coding-guidelines.com

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