[SystemSafety] Subversive C programs for mockery of static analysis tools ... on a bad day ; -)
Coq, Thierry
Thierry.Coq at dnvgl.com
Thu Nov 29 17:29:14 CET 2018
Do I understand that you are building a database of "subversive" C pieces of code?
I am one of the authors of the SQALE method for measuring software (non-)quality and technical debt, independently of tool makers. We believe such a database is a great idea and help people like us trying to standardize the measurement of software, like any other technological item.
Would this database be generally available?
Best regards,
Thierry Coq
+33 (0)6 80 44 57 92
-----Original Message-----
From: systemsafety <systemsafety-bounces at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de> On Behalf Of Olwen Morgan
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 3:49 PM
To: systemsafety at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Subject: [SystemSafety] Subversive C programs for mockery of static analysis tools ... on a bad day ; -)
PBL tells me that some incorrigible geeks like my subversive C programs but they're not everyone's cup of tea.
Chris Hills and I are hoping to put them up on the Phaedrus Systems web site soon but until then I'll email them directly to anyone who wants them and avoid boring others with the produce of my deranged mindstorms.
There's a new one available (cimplex-d-0008.c) to tease tool developers and any other techno-masochists who'd like to see it.
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