[SystemSafety] A small taste of what we're up against

Michael J. Pont M.Pont at SafeTTy.net
Thu Oct 25 12:25:46 CEST 2018

>>Can anyone give me a real-world example of an injury or death that can be
directly linked to the use of >> C or C++ in an automotive system?

> See:
> https://users.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/pubs/koopman14_toyota_ua_slides.pdf
> ... unchecked critical variables, stack overflow, memory corruption, task
deaths, etc....
> for example.
> One can argue that C is not direct culprit, the direct culprit is a lack
of safety culture.  One wonders if 
> there is a correlation between using unsafe tools and an unsafe culture...

> Best regards,
> Thierrry

This is an interesting example:

1. the design pre-dates the introduction of ISO 26262;
2. I would agree that the defects identifified suggest a lack of safety

Say that the team had used Ada.  Do we really think that this would have


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