[SystemSafety] GPS jamming

Martyn Thomas martyn at thomas-associates.co.uk
Fri Jul 12 11:09:45 CEST 2019

Yes, the Galileo PRS (public regulated service) and the military M-code
service on GPS are encrypted and should be safe against spoofing. AFAIK
neither is working fully yet. Secure key distribution is a challenging
requirement with encrypted services and it seems that the UK will lose
access to PRS if the UK ceases to be an EU member.


On 12/07/2019 08:07, SPRIGGS, John J wrote:
> I understand that Galileo will offer an authentication service on one of its channels, but the transmissions will be between two ITU-specified Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service bands and so not usable by aircraft; it must be intended for surface operations (fixed and mobile).
> John

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