[SystemSafety] C for OSs
David Crocker
dcrocker at eschertech.com
Mon Sep 9 12:42:09 CEST 2019
I don't know Erlang, but I understand that it uses garbage collection
(like most programming languages that are nice to program in). Doesn't
that render it inappropriate for building hard real-time systems?
David Crocker, Escher Technologies Ltd.
Tel. +44 (0)20 8144 3265 or +44 (0)7977 211486
On 08/09/2019 21:43, Olwen Morgan wrote:
> All,
> Forgive me for multiple postings but ideas are occurring to me in fits
> and starts on this one.
> Given a free hand to choose a language running on an x86_64 target for
> implementing a highly concurrent critical system, I'd almost always go
> for Erlang, whose track record at Ericsson is mind-bogglingly good. Of
> course, the BEAM Erlang abstract machine needs a hosted environment in
> which to run. One helpful development in this area is the GRiSP2,
> single-board hardware abstract machine for Erlang/Elixir. This gets
> rid of UNIX but still leaves dependency on an relatively
> low-availability hardware.
> Now, if someone could implement a true bare-metal BEAM for x86_64
> (possibly only a smallish step farther?), you wouldn't need
> special-purpose boards ... and I could die happy ...
> ... but not yet ... (in case those of you who'd be glad to see the
> back of me are rubbing their hands with glee) ... :-O
> Olwen
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