[SystemSafety] Misunderstanding of the nature of mathematics
Olwen Morgan
olwen at phaedsys.com
Wed Jul 1 21:10:32 CEST 2020
You fail to grasp my point.
Mathematics is not some absolute in a world of forms. Its use in CbyC
software development cannot entirely obviate testing since its efficacy
rests on how closely it describes the behaviour of the systems with
which it deals and on the assumptions it makes about them.
You are quite right to make the observation about a typed "2" being
taken for a "5". But that merely illustrates the magnitude of the
assumptions, modulo which, proofs provide the claimed level of
assurance. One is relying on, among other things:
(1) The requirements specification permitting the generation of
acceptance tests that give a suitably rigorous exercise of functional
behaviours specified in the requirements.
(2) Corresponding conditions being met by both the architectural and
detailed design specifications.
(3) A coding process that is designed faithfully to reflect the software
unit specifications and the requirements of verification tools.
(4) The correctness of the compilers for all programming languages used.
(5) The soundness of the verifier's reasoning about what the compiler
will do with the code. (Admittedly far less dubious for SPARK Ada than,
AFAI am aware, for any C verifier supported by any known subset of C).
(6) The correctness of test coverage measurement tools.
... to mention only the most salient.
Yes, it is true that when we question things at this level of detail, we
feel we are getting into a Godelian regress (which we aren't - the
regress is finite even if it is large). But that does not alter the fact
that CbyC rests critically on some pretty big assumptions about the tool
chain. Soundly done, CbyC can reduce the risks of not unit-testing. It
cannot eliminate them. If you get a test failure at the next level up,
you still have to check backwards and accept that you may well find an
error in a coded unit ... or somewhere in the tool chain.
As regards testing on iFacts, I worked on that project and was asked at
one stage by one of the client's engineers to look into how well a
certain routine had been tested. That particular routine tracked the
movement of military aircraft across (non-convex) sectors of air space.
My conclusion was that to give a greater degree of confidence that the
testing was adequate, the system should internally partition the
airspace into convex subsets - in this case triangular prisms, because
movement across such subsets is easy to track and the tracking routine
correspondingly easier to test. This upset the engineer who had
specified the airspace model in Z because that model was as minimal as
one could get. As far as I could see it specified a basis for a
topology, which struck me as abstraction shooting itself in the foot.
Why weaken to something weaker than a topology when, by the process of
stereographic projection by which the airspace was defined, a entire
coherent *geometry* was given? Abstracting away from agreed well-defined
geometry hardly demonstrates mathematical finesse. Needless to say there
was a bit of an atmosphere in the office for a while - not least because
the engineer responsible for that bit of the Z spec was a Cambridge
mathematics graduate (who IMO should have known *a lot* better). I was
eventually told that my comments would be borne in mind if evidence
should arise that the testing of the relevant routines had in fact been
inadequate. NOBODY suggested that my concerns lacked a sound technical
As regards Altran omitting unit tests, if I were advising a client on
whether I thought it advisable, my own view would be that it was not.
And the reason for this is simple. Errors are cheaper to correct the
earlier you detect them. Not unit testing runs the risk of detecting
errors in units later than might otherwise have been achieved. In taking
that view, I would be open to arguments about relative risk PROVIDED
that I was supplied with relevant data, details of how the data had been
obtained, specification of the statistical analyses used and convincing
arguments as to the repeatability and reproducibility of the results
that the statistical testing was claimed to support. In this, I think, I
would be taking a view entirely consistent with sound scientific practice.
My responsibility on iFacts was in providing initial consulting on a
suitable subset of C and corresponding subset enforcement tools and
later myself examining all C checker tool outputs for each build to
ensure that they met the specified requirements. I ought to point out in
that connection, that the software that paints the AT controller's radar
display screen is written entirely in C using X libraries for which many
deviations from the MISRA C subset were required (an average build
required examination of 12,000 error messages to check that all observed
deviations were permitted ones - though I got this down to 300 by
supervising the development and use of a post-processing tool that put
diagnostic suppression messages at contextually identified positions in
the code, any redundant ones being detectable from unused suppression
reports in the tool output. So much, then for CbyC in iFacts. ONLY THE
ADA BITS WERE CbyC !!!. True, the only bits in C were as inconsequential
as painting the radar display screens that the ATCs looked at but, if I
apprehend you correctly, that was a minor detail?
I confess to a degree of skepticism that results largely from my mixed
experiences with C. I would like to see C verifiers used much more
widely. To support efforts in that direction, I have, some twelve years
ago, offered a meta standard allowing C subsets to be formally defined
and tailored to verifier capabilities. Nobody has taken up the (absurdly
simple) ideas that I presented. Notably, the outstandingly inept MISRA C
working group has resolutely refused to adopt a rigorous specification
even of a subset as weak as MISRA C - and I've been into that sorry
story before on this list. (Their reason: It would "alienate MISRA C's
readership base ... WTF?!)
I'd expect SPARK tools relying on the SPARK language to get pretty good
results. But SPARK developments are not the whole of software
engineering. If unit-testing is found to be dispensable without risk in
SPARK developments, great. Modulo my reservations above, I'd countenance
giving it (heavily) qualified support - or at least absence of
desctructive opposition. Not so for C - nor for any poorly defined
language, with no safety/reliability subset and no verification tools.
In suboptimal conditions, I would never dispense with unit testing and I
question the wisdom of so doing even in the best conditions currently
In the end it's all down to risk and numbers. Give me hard, *robustly
reproducible* evidence that using CbyC makes unit-testing redundant and
I'll consider it. But please do not expect me to be a pushover when it
comes to examination of claims of reproducibility. I was trained to
assess these things to UKAS standards - which are considerably more
stringent than almost any others - an assessor can raise non-compliance
issues based not only on a tick-the-boxes compliance checklist but also
on fitness-for-purpose in the assessor's considered technical opinion.
When it comes to software engineering processes, I'm not at all easy to
On 01/07/2020 17:53, Peter Bernard Ladkin wrote:
> On 2020-07-01 18:25 , Olwen Morgan wrote:
>> Sorry, Peter, but if I have a choice between believing you and believing Arnold, I'm afraid Arnold wins.
> Which makes my point better than I could have made it myself.
> Which bits of Newton do you believe? The stuff in Principia or the stuff about metals vegetating? Or
> gravity being caused by salniter? Why?
> Prof. Peter Bernard Ladkin, Bielefeld, Germany
> Styelfy Bleibgsnd
> Tel+msg +49 (0)521 880 7319 www.rvs-bi.de
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