[SystemSafety] Correctness by Construction
Olwen Morgan
olwen at phaedsys.com
Mon Jul 13 16:09:42 CEST 2020
On 13/07/2020 14:31, Peter Bernard Ladkin wrote:
> As I use the term, source code SC is developed CbyC, it means
> * there is a Requirements Specification RS which allows one practically to determine whether certain
> program behaviours fulfil it or not
> * there is a means Chk of determining whether program behaviours will satisfy RS through analysis of
> the source code SC of the program and the meaning of SC. (This statement assumes Chk is sound.)
> * Chk is incremental, that is, it may be applied soundly to source code as it is being written, and
> relatively comprehensive, that is, it can be applied to most programs SC
> * SC is indeed developed with incremental use of Chk
Plus what PBL has here omitted - and without which any attempt at CbyC
can rapidly fall apart:
1. Draconian configuration management of all tools used within the
process and artefacts produced by it.
2. Validated compilers and, for some languages, draconian language
3. A suitably capable Chk element supporting *automated* program
proof. SPARK tools are pretty good but C tools vary. Homo sapiens is
4. In-process review procedures that are fit-for-purpose and strictly
6. A critical mass of suitably trained and supportive staff.
7. Supportive, technically-aware management that understands what
CbyC does - and does not - do for them.
8. Users/clients who are prepared to participate in early life-cycle
CbyC activities, e.g. walk-throughs of formal specifications in Z.
9. The right kind of application to deploy it on.
... etc. ...
SPARKies please shoot me down if I'm spouting BS,
> Prof. Peter Bernard Ladkin, Bielefeld, Germany
> Styelfy Bleibgsnd
> Tel+msg +49 (0)521 880 7319 www.rvs-bi.de
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