[SystemSafety] Miss vs Ms
Hugues Bonnin
hugues.bonnin at free.fr
Thu Apr 8 18:26:53 CEST 2021
Ok, it’s obvious that weight is critical, my remark is not on that. My remark is on the deduction of the weight from the categorisation adult/child only ; as a group of child can be heavier than a group of adult, it seems questionable to base critical element in this categorisation.
> Le 8 avr. 2021 à 16:55, Peter Bernard Ladkin <ladkin at causalis.com> a écrit :
>> On 2021-04-08 15:41 , Gareth Lock wrote:
>> Hugues,
>> The issue I can see would be when you have a smaller aircraft and therefore the impact of mass would be greater.
>> *From: *systemsafety <systemsafety-bounces at lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de> on behalf of <hugues.bonnin at free.fr>
>> IMHO, I don't see how this difference could lead to serious problems,
> 2.2% of the ZFW. Sure that can lead to problems, such as calculating TO thrust and balanced field length.
> A weight mismatch can also lead to balance problems, depending on the seating algorithm used by the airline, but in a 187-passenger aircraft I would expect not.
> Prof. Peter Bernard Ladkin, Bielefeld, Germany
> ClaireTheWhiteRabbit RIP
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