[SystemSafety] How far does insurance economic incentive push safety?
Phil Koopman
koopman.cmu at gmail.com
Mon Apr 12 02:24:54 CEST 2021
I'm looking for opinions and previous work regarding the proposition
that insurance premium economic pressure -- all by itself -- is likely
to result in an ALARP or similar safety outcome for life critical
systems (trains, planes, automobiles, etc.) in the absence of regulation
or any other safety pressure. Details below if this is of interest.
I am interested in the relationship between economic pressure from
insurance premiums and safety outcomes. I realize these things are
messy, there are multiple factors in practice, "it all depends," and
that regulation to some degree puts its thumb on the scale (some domains
more than others), so I understand this is something of a theoretical
I'd expect some correlation. In particular I'd think that as a
generality improving safety will over the long term yield lower
insurance premiums (assuming an efficient competitive market, not
worrying about negotiating power imbalance between individual consumers
and insurance providers, etc.). I'm aware there are complications such
as expensive crash protection consumables that are damaged in the course
of reducing harm severity that can push back against this correlation.
And I'm aware of liability issues, but let's say insurance ultimately
pays out for those too. And "self-insurance" counts as insurance.
The pointed question of interest is whether there is a reason to believe
that insurance premium economic pressure, all by itself, is likely to
lead to acceptable safety for life critical systems.
My initial position is that I'd be surprised if insurance premiums alone
(with no regulation) necessarily result in an ALARP result for typical
modes of transportation. I'd expect they'd prevent a really horrible
result, but not necessarily safety I'd want to have in transportation
I'm personally going to use.
Among other reasons, if insurance premiums resulted in ALARP, I'd expect
we wouldn't need regulators (which we do need in practice).
But perhaps I'm wrong. Or perhaps insurance economics driving ALARP
true in theory but not in practice for reasons that are interesting.
Does anyone know of a good treatment of this topic?
-- Phil
Prof. Phil Koopman koopman at cmu.edu
(he/him/his) https://users.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/
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