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<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:"Roboto Light";color:#365F91;mso-fareast-language:EN-US">,,, and if you want to follow up on Les’s foray into story theory, I recommend David Baboulene's story book
<a href="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0955708923">http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0955708923</a>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:"Roboto Light";color:#365F91;mso-fareast-language:EN-US"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:"Roboto Light";color:#365F91;mso-fareast-language:EN-US">I proofread it, but do not get royalties…<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:"Roboto Light";color:#365F91;mso-fareast-language:EN-US"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:"Roboto Light";color:#365F91;mso-fareast-language:EN-US">Is proofreading a sub-process of Construction by Correction?<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:"Roboto Light";color:#365F91;mso-fareast-language:EN-US"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<div style="border:none;border-top:solid #E1E1E1 1.0pt;padding:3.0pt 0cm 0cm 0cm">
<p class="MsoNormal"><b><span lang="EN-US">From:</span></b><span lang="EN-US"> systemsafety <systemsafety-bounces@lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de>
<b>On Behalf Of </b>Les Chambers<br>
<b>Sent:</b> 16 July 2020 02:23<br>
<b>To:</b> 'Michael Jackson' <jacksonma@acm.org><br>
<b>Cc:</b> systemsafety@lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de<br>
<b>Subject:</b> Re: [SystemSafety] Correctness by Construction - tortoises all the way down<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><o:p> </o:p></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">Michael<br>
Thank you for initiating this conversation. Somewhat mischievously I<br>
suspect. But it's good mischief. Achieving correctness is essential to any<br>
successful automated system.<br>
"the limits of correctness" is an example of the problem of infinite regress<br>
where the truth of proposition P1 requires the support of proposition P2,<br>
the truth of proposition P2 requires the support of proposition P3, and so<br>
on, ad infinitum. <br>
It is well known in systems engineering that correctness means compliance<br>
with some pre-existing specification (read proposition - P). Most projects<br>
have a long chain of them - concept of operations, system requirements,<br>
software requirements, software system architecture, detailed design ...<br>
correctness of the system depending on each one of these artefacts being<br>
complete, correct, unambiguous and verifiable. The verifiability of a<br>
specification is a direct function of its formality. Formal languages/models<br>
being the best we have at the moment. In my experience there have been<br>
levels of formality. In my view you've reached complete formality when you<br>
can press a button and generate code from the formal specification. This is<br>
true for the finite state engine. It can be both understood by a human being<br>
and compiled into executables. <br>
The core of our problem is that this proposition chain is not infinite. It<br>
ends at the real world - a phenomenon that tech actors find difficult to<br>
formalise. Don't feel bad, humanity has struggled with this problem for<br>
centuries. <br>
I cite an 1854 transcript of remarks by preacher Joseph Frederick Berg<br>
addressed to Joseph Barker:<br>
"My opponent's reasoning reminds me of the heathen, who, being asked on what<br>
the world stood, replied, "On a tortoise." But on what does the tortoise<br>
stand? "On another tortoise." With Mr. Barker, too, there are tortoises all<br>
the way down. " <br>
With requirements we have reached "the limits of correctness" on the back of<br>
the root tortoise. Where to from here?<br>
The beginnings of a solution to "How can software developers reason<br>
reliability about the physical world?" lie in a deeper study of how humans<br>
engage with metaphor. (Definition: a metaphor describes this in terms of<br>
that where this is new and that is familiar - Robert Frost). <br>
Marooned on the back of your route tortoise it's instructive to recast the<br>
problem statement.<br>
"How can software developers reason reliability about the physical world?"<br>
becomes "How can software developers help their users reason reliability<br>
about the physical world?" In my experience a large proportion of<br>
ambiguities errors and omissions arise from users who don't know what they<br>
want at the level of detail required to build an automated system.<br>
Technologists fill in the gaps, sometimes erroneously. In this way we can<br>
miss the fundamental behaviours of the system that justify its existence.<br>
The solution lies in shared metaphors. Concepts understood by both the<br>
non-technical subject matter expert and the technologist that provide a<br>
framework for discourse and improve the precision and the completeness of<br>
the specification. A good metaphor helps people visualise a problem sparking<br>
inspiration as they wander through its n degree space. Good metaphors also<br>
colonise the subconscious which proceeds to work on the problem while you're<br>
asleep. The truest statement I have ever heard is, "they never remember what<br>
you said only what they were visualising while you were talking." So give<br>
them something to imagine.<br>
The state engine is a good example. With a minimal amount of training I have<br>
taught plant operators without a high school education the basic concepts of<br>
the finite state model. This metaphor then helped us eliminate any<br>
ambiguities errors and omissions that typically occur in rambling free text.<br>
But the state engine is not a solution to everything (Steve Tockey breathes<br>
a sigh of relief).<br>
There is, in fact, a higher-order metaphor that does model real life<br>
facilitating informed reflection on the core functionality required. The<br>
fascinating thing about this metaphor is that knowledge of it is tacit in<br>
all humans, not explicit. They can't tell you why they understand it they<br>
just know truth when they see it (heard that before?). Applied thoughtfully<br>
this metaphor can not only govern development of early concepts but also<br>
inform the way a project is delivered. And if your project does not follow<br>
its dictates the probability of failure is high.<br>
It is of course the mono myth the overarching pattern that describes the<br>
underlying architecture of most stories you have ever heard, most movies you<br>
have ever watched. <br>
Guys, if you are still with me please suspend judgement for a few more<br>
lines. What follows may explain why Microsoft trains all its people in story<br>
To engage with this metaphor you need to accept that embarking on a complex<br>
software and electronic systems project casts you as a character in a story<br>
that will, whether you like it or not, unfold as neatly described by the<br>
mono mythical pattern. I've further developed these ideas here:<br>
<a href="https://www.specnative.com/story/Story-Tutorial-V4.0.pdf">https://www.specnative.com/story/Story-Tutorial-V4.0.pdf</a><br>
Here is one use case:<br>
All stories feature a hero who embarks on a quest for some elixir that will<br>
solve a problem in their normal world. The need for the quest becomes<br>
apparent when their normal world is in some way thrown out of balance by<br>
forces outside their control. The elixir is expected to restore that<br>
balance. The hero is usually aware either consciously or unconsciously of<br>
the imbalance but refuses to embark on the quest until forced by occurrence<br>
of some horrendous inciting incident. Example: Luke Skywalker's auntie and<br>
uncle are murdered by Imperial storm troopers causing him to take Obi-Wan<br>
Kenobi's advice to become a Jedi Knight. <br>
So in you're first meeting with the client ask them:<br>
You've been living in a normal comfortable world, what has happened lately<br>
to throw it out of balance?<br>
Have there been any horrendous incidents that have convinced you that<br>
something has to be done?<br>
Another use case that speaks to a productive attitude in a requirements<br>
A story never rings true to an audience unless they know who the hero is,<br>
they know what the hero wants and they want the hero to have it?<br>
Empathy guys, empathy.<br>
Story theory gives you a form, it is not a formula. Understanding the story<br>
pattern will not help you write a bestseller (or build the perfect system),<br>
it will however help you identify what is missing in your candidate<br>
bestseller. In contrast a formula allows you to push the button and generate<br>
So Michael I'll leave it with you. Hope this helps.<br>
-----Original Message-----<br>
From: systemsafety<br>
[<a href="mailto:systemsafety-bounces@lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de">mailto:systemsafety-bounces@lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de</a>] On Behalf Of<br>
Michael Jackson<br>
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 1:15 AM<br>
To: David Crocker; Olwen Morgan; Brent Kimberley; Dewi Daniels;<br>
<a href="mailto:njt@tudorassoc.com">njt@tudorassoc.com</a>; Peter Bernard Ladkin; Martyn Thomas<br>
Cc: <a href="mailto:systemsafety@lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de">systemsafety@lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de</a><br>
Subject: Re: [SystemSafety] Correctness by Construction<br>
Thank you all for your emails on this topic. I have quoted below what I<br>
think are the most relevant parts. My own comments follow the double dashed<br>
line after the last quote. <br>
> On 14 Jul 2020, at 20:20, David Crocker <<a href="mailto:dcrocker@eschertech.com">dcrocker@eschertech.com</a>> wrote:<br>
> <br>
> On 14/07/2020 17:06, Brent Kimberley wrote:<br>
>> >> how are the software developers to reason reliably about the physical<br>
problem world where the important requirements are located and defined, and<br>
will---or will not---be satisfied? <br>
>> <br>
>> An automated World view inquiry framework? epistemology automation? ;)<br>
> The way I suggested doing that when using Perfect Developer to develop and<br>
(to some extent) verify the software requirements is to include a model of<br>
the external physical system in the requirements specification. It is then<br>
possible to reason and construct proofs about the combined behaviour of the<br>
software + physical system, including the effects of external inputs. This<br>
approach is in principle applicable to other tool-supported formal<br>
specification languages, for example Z.<br>
> <br>
> Although this is conceptually simple, the problem lies in constructing a<br>
model of the physical system and possible external inputs that is<br>
sufficiently accurate and complete to make the proofs meaningful and useful.<br>
> <br>
> Cheers<br>
> <br>
> David Crocker, Escher Technologies Ltd.<br>
On 15 Jul 2020,at 04.21, Brent Kimberley wrote:<br>
Hi Michael.<br>
Perhaps I misinterpreted the question. I though the question was how can<br>
software developers reason reliability about the physical world?<br>
My response was write more code. ;) <br>
More precisely have the software to develop inferences WRT sensor / actuator<br>
/ FRU / logic / bus - failure & train operators. ;)<br>
For example write the requested logic plus an engine to progressively refine<br>
world view. <br>
For example for a fly by wire or environmental controls system: there may be<br>
certain assumptions about the physical sensors, actuators, structural<br>
members, buses, DAQs, energy sources, clocks, FRUs, by which the logic<br>
engages with the physical world. The epistemology engine would continuously<br>
update it's world view assumptions and inform an ontology layer - used by<br>
the requested software logic - to interact with the physical world.<br>
For four engines delivering power (and data) to four propulsion units -<br>
transmission grid. The epistemology engine identifies events such as<br>
faults, updating the ontology model, and the requested software logic using<br>
the ontology layer could to control available propulsion units - routing<br>
power (and data) around faults - in a way which ideally preserves assets. <br>
On 15 Jul 2020, at 21.10, Olwen Morgan wrote: <br>
On 14/07/2020 20:20, David Crocker wrote:<br>
> <br>
> include a model of the external physical system in the requirements<br>
specification. It is then possible to reason and construct proofs about the<br>
combined behaviour of the software + physical system, including the effects<br>
of external inputs. This approach is in principle applicable to other<br>
tool-supported formal specification languages, for example Z.<br>
> <br>
> Although this is conceptually simple, the problem lies in constructing a<br>
model of the physical system and possible external inputs that is<br>
sufficiently accurate and complete to make the proofs meaningful and useful.<br>
> <br>
Just so. And in my experience an even greater problem lies in the difficulty<br>
of persuading people that it is, in some cases , necessary. I once walked<br>
out of and blew the whistle on a train safety project where fellow engineers<br>
ignored me on this issue.<br>
Some comments:<br>
1. One way to think about a bipartite cyber-physical system is to regard<br>
the interface between the processor hardware and the physical problem world<br>
as providing a (bidirectional and hugely complex) API allowing the processor<br>
to monitor and control phenomena of the problem world. This API needs a<br>
full, maximally reliable, model of the physical domains and phenomena of the<br>
problem world, showing the causal chains terminated at the actuators and<br>
sensors and involving phenomena that are not directly connected to the<br>
interface. <br>
2. As David says: "Although this is conceptually simple, the problem lies<br>
in constructing a model of the physical system and possible external inputs<br>
that is sufficiently accurate and complete to make the proofs meaningful and<br>
useful." Yes. But this problem is exactly parallel to the problem of<br>
describing the semantics of the programming language---both the source code<br>
and the binary code executed by the processor. It can't be relegated to an<br>
optional extra: without a solution the software developer is programming a<br>
machine---the physical problem world---for which there is no adequate<br>
semantic definition. <br>
3. For a realistic system, the problem world is a large and complex<br>
system, and modelling demands some major help from structure. One approach<br>
to the problem is to structure the physical model according to the structure<br>
of the desired system behaviour. (This is what I aim at in my current work.)<br>
This approach makes sense because the physical world model supports the<br>
behaviour exactly as the processor supports the software execution. Each<br>
'constituent behaviour' (my terminology) relies on certain properties of the<br>
problem world expressed in an associated model. <br>
4. Perhaps the structuring of the physical model according to the<br>
structure of the system behaviour is also a characteristic of Brent's<br>
suggestion: "... to include a model of the external physical system in the<br>
requirements specification." That depends, of course, on the structure,<br>
format, and content of the Requirements Specification. I am keen to hear<br>
more about Requirements from anyone here who deals with them either as a<br>
consumer or a producer. <br>
5. A fundamental difficulty for formal models of the physical world is<br>
that it is not itself a formal system. Brian Cantwell Smith explained the<br>
difficulty in his 1986 paper "The Limits of Correctness", pointing out the<br>
absence of a theory of informal-to-formal modelling. I think that a<br>
discipline, rather than a theory, is needed (and I aim at this too in my<br>
current work). <br>
-- Michael <br>
<a href="http://www.theworldandthemachine.com">www.theworldandthemachine.com</a><br>
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